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Are obituaries important?
Obituaries are critically important as they enable families to honour the deceased, recognize their surviving family and serves as a keepsake for many not just the family. It is circulated to over half a million readers making it an efficient invitation to family, friends, colleagues (past and present) including people that have lost connection with the deceased and it also serves to protect the executor. Obituaries are historical documents that assist future generations with Ancestry and Genealogy.
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Question 1
Answer to question 1
What is included in the obituary on
In the first paragraph of an obituary generally, you will see included the first and last name of the deceased (in BOLD) and the name of the surviving spouse (include nee after her name followed by her maiden name) To assist readers associate with the deceased the city that the deceased lived in is then added followed by the full date of death including the day of the week including the age at time of passing.
This is followed by the text "Click here to view complete obituary"
This is followed by the text "Click here to view complete obituary"
Why is the entire obituary not included
Answer to question 0
What is the best way to list a date in an obituary?
To keep the date format consistent the date is prefered to be entered in MONTH - DAY- YEAR format
Question 2
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Question 2
Answer to question 2
The visitation is the opportunity for the public to be with the family and friends and if they desire, pay their respects by viewing the deceased. To make it as easy for the reader of the obituary the address of the visitation should be hyperlinked so it can be clicked on and online maps and gps can assist finding the location. The date of the visitation should include the day of the week in long form to make it as easy for the reader as possible to get the correct date. If there is a visitation prior to Prayers or prior to Service the visitation is generally not listed in the obituary as friends and family will be presented with this opportunity by the funeral staff prior to being seated.
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Question 2